Find the signal in the noise.

Carbon signal is a scalable analytics solution for decarbonization managers. We combine the speed of machine learning with the accuracy of physics-based modeling techniques to generate insights about building performance and decarbonization.

Our goals

Most companies don’t have the time or resources to conduct highly detailed audits of their real estate portfolios. Our goal is to help decarbonization managers focus on what matters by providing an intuitive platform for streamlined analytics.


Carbon Signal is designed to do more with less. With only a few datapoints, we generate powerful insights about building performance and help you quickly cut through the noise to find high-impact opportunities for decarbonization.


It would take a team of consultants weeks, months, or even years to deliver the same level of analytics that our platform produces at the click of a button. We built Carbon Signal as a highly scalable solution for rapid-feedback analysis.


The engine that powers Carbon Signal can accommodate as much or as little detail as needed to analyze decarbonization opportunities. Our team of building engineers can also work with you to customize the analysis for your portfolio.


We're fortunate to have an advisory committee of experts in architecture, building science, and software devlopment.

Frequently asked questions

A few answers to common questions. Get in touch at if you want to learn more about Carbon Signal!

How is Carbon Signal different from other products?

In short, our team is what makes Carbon Signal different. We all come from a background in building science and understand that every building is unique. That's why Carbon Signal combines machine learning with real physics-based energy models, rather than using a purely "big-data" approach to analysis. Get in touch if you're interested in learning more about our technology and how it can deliver results for your portfolio.

When will Carbon Signal be available to the public?

We're currently testing our product with users and expect a public version to be available in 2024. Send us a note at if you're interested in getting early access before the official release date.

How much does Carbon Signal cost?

We have a consumption based pricing model tied to the compute resources needed to perform various analysis tasks. The minimum plan price per year is $500, which provides enough resources to analyze one building and build unlimited scenarios. We also offer volume plans with gradually reducing fees as you purchase more resources to make it economical to analyze large portfolios. If want to learn more about our pricing or discuss a custom pricing plan, contact

Do you offer consulting services?

Yes! Our team has extensive consulting experience, having worked on some of the most ambitious building projects around the world. Get in touch if there is a specific type of analysis that you need for your portfolio, or if you're looking for general portfolio advisory services.

Does Carbon Signal have any integrations?

Right now, the only integration we offer is through Energy Star Portfolio Manager as a mechanism to import utility data. However, we're currently exploring opportunities to connect to other data sources and analysis platforms. Get in touch if you have a specific request.

Can I use Carbon Signal for ESG reporting?

You can definitely use Carbon Signal to keep track of building energy and emissions data, but it's not built to be a reporting or accounting tool. We're focused on providing the best analytics capabilities on the market, as a layer of intelligence on top of ESG reporting and accounting activities.

Is there an API?

We're actively working on making our API available to developers and other third-party applications. At this time, we don't have a target release date, but get in touch if you're interested in integrating Carbon Signal's analysis into your product or service.

Get started with Carbon Signal.